Thursday, July 19, 2012

Module 2, Challenge 2

Using the online whiteboards of Educreation and Explain Everything was fun and interesting (to say the least)! I don't know about other people, but I found myself being very critical with my recordings. Now I know how an actor feels when they take several shots of one scene! The final video is attempt 6...and that's my own doing! I wonder if I would do better if I wrote out a "script"? At one point I thought...good lord, do I sound like this in class??? I can see the benefits of this tool as a different way of getting info to students. I like that they can go back and hear what you had to say again if they didn't quite understand the first time around. A tool for them to use as well to present information.


  1. I appreciate how thorough you were. I think I only did a few takes and posted it mistakes and all😊After listening to yours I think I might have set up a scenario for class use like...tomorrow we will be doing self portraits...Nice job!

  2. Yes, I felt the same way and had to practice first...I did have mistakes in my second attempt, but thought they were forgivable. Using notes helped me out...To me yours was well done and clear.


  3. Think about how this transfers to student learning. Let's say they are making a math problem solving process screen cast. The manipulate the info in the planning phase, they speak it, they review it when they hear it, and perhaps repeat this process. Contrast that to passively listening to the teacher cover the material.
