Sunday, July 29, 2012

Challenge 4 reflection

This challenge was going "smooth like butter" until it came to emailing the document to the blog. The workflow process came to a standstill as the email was not going through. I have received error messages in my inbox related to my blog email something is amiss. I watched the video tutorial again (on how to email to blog) and am not seeing what is wrong. What worked a couple of weeks ago is not working now. My next step in trying to fix this challenge is to get direction from a colleague. If I were in a class with students, I would not hesitate to ask the class as students have more technology experience than myself. Apps tend to come with pretty good help buttons/info as well. So, the biggest workflow challenge I have faced is emailing to the blog. The apps used for this challenge were very cool. I continue to be amazed at what an iPad can do...minus the many steps it seems to take to get there. As I was saying to Aidan today (while learning to tie his shoes) "it's hard right now, but you can't give up...the more you practice, the easier it will be." I grew up without computers and taught myself so I figure I can learn this WITH help...right? ๐Ÿ‘With a little more practice I can see how I can work on school stuff without having to lug my laptop around. It would also allow me to reflect on student work without bringing home a stack of cool is that.

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Here's a link to "Creating A Screenshot.pdf" in my Dropbox:

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Reflection: Digital Storytelling: "Memories of my Father"

Because of the length of my video, I am unable to create a link for my video. I was, however, successful in posting my video on Facebook. Some of you are on my friends list and are welcome to see the video on my wall. I welcome some feedback!
In checking all 3 apps this week, I felt that I movie was the best app for the kind of story I wanted to tell and what I wanted to include. I was inspired bus story i viewed called " my mother's socks.". A teacher did a video in memory of her mother. I then decided I wanted to do a story about my father who died almost 2 years ago. I wanted the story to include pictures, music and a personal recording and I movie seemed the best fit. I Movie seemed to have more options and abilities for easy editing. The drawback is that I could not just email the video. I did upload it to Dropbox but when you view it it was choppy. Not sure if this is because of the length of the video? Professionally I was thinking that maybe some of my students would find it helpful to write/create a story related to a loss or create stories when discussing bullying or conflict resolution. I found this to be a fun process. I know students enjoy doing role plays in guidance class and this could create another way to practice and show what they have learned without it feeling like its a writing assignment per se.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Module 2, Challenge 2

Using the online whiteboards of Educreation and Explain Everything was fun and interesting (to say the least)! I don't know about other people, but I found myself being very critical with my recordings. Now I know how an actor feels when they take several shots of one scene! The final video is attempt 6...and that's my own doing! I wonder if I would do better if I wrote out a "script"? At one point I thought...good lord, do I sound like this in class??? I can see the benefits of this tool as a different way of getting info to students. I like that they can go back and hear what you had to say again if they didn't quite understand the first time around. A tool for them to use as well to present information.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Module 2 Reflection

It was very interesting to listen to Dan Pink regarding motivation and not be thinking about students. It is very common when we have a student who is not motivated to learn that we/staff brainstorm what we could "give them" in return for their good behavior (such as completing homework assignments). What happens many times is that their is no reward that seems to motivate that student. Would it then be true as Pink states that for those students it's more about learning that is self-directed, fun and satisfying and their is a purpose for the learning we are asking the student to do? I feel these factors certainly apply to learning as well. If, for example, we have a student that does not like to write. If the teacher can give them some autonomy in choosing the topic and/or way in which they will produce the work, etc. then the student may be more invested and motivated. Look at the students who through independent study produce amazing work!
In regards to note-taking and mind mapping on the iPad, I have found some positives and a negative. The only negative to note-taking that I found was the typing. I am not a fast typer on the iPad keyboard... More of a hen pecker! What I liked is all the different tools at my fingertips to use as I am writing notes. I do need to work at being a bit more concise with my notes, but I have always written a lot whenever doing this task. The mind mapping was a great way for me to "show" what I learned and I found it much easier to be concise with what I felt were the key ideas to remember. I had to stop myself from not going back repeatedly to make it "pretty". Sometimes having too many tools/options can be a distraction if you will. What was really cool is how the app organized your ideas into an outline based on how you created your map!
Overall, I have found the iPad to be like a leather man tool. When Marzano talked about instructional strategies he stated that their is not one strategy that will work for every situation. It's figuring out what works for you and the task at hand. This idea made me relate it to a leather man...different tools to use but each tool doesn't work for every situation. I like that the iPad has many tools to use...but it will not always be the instructional tool to use in every situation.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Hampshire Fun

Spent the last 2 days in NH at Santa's Village and Storyland. Lots of fun! Now I need to finish my homework ๐Ÿ˜œ

Friday, July 6, 2012

Practice what you preach?

So...this past week I am discovering how addicting an iPad can be...particularly when you are at home most of the day. In my profession and as a mom I talk about limiting time on technology...the dangers of Facebook, etc. And now here I am spending my spare time on facebook and checking out Pinterest what seems like constantly! I knew when I had told Aidan to get off his Wii followed by "you've had enough technology today!" and his response was " how come you get to be on your iPad all the time?" that I had crossed over into the addicting world of technology that I swore would not happen. I would like to think that when the newness wears off that I won't feel like I am consumed by this iPad. BUT, it is absolutely amazing the things I am learning and seeing. Aidan can still figure out a game before me, but I am okay with that and he loves to tell me I am wrong...much like his dad!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Picture Success!

Here is a pic I found on favorite app at the moment.